国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1000-8721,国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-1865/R,国内邮发代号:82-227(全国各地邮局订阅),国外发行代号为BM6448(中国国际图书贸易总公司订阅), 双月刊,国内外公开发行。
《病毒学报》国际知名文摘数据库收录:SCOPUS、CA、IM,PubMed、BP、WPRIM、CBST数据库以及CAB Abstracts等收录。
美国《化学文摘(网络版)》(Chemical Abstracts,简称CA)
美国《生物科学数据库》-(BIOSIS Preview数据库,简称BP)
英国《农业与生物科学研究中心文摘》(CAB Abstracts)
《病毒学报》主页 http://bdxb.cbpt.cnki.net
《病毒学报》英文 CNKI JTP http://jtp.cnki.net/bilingual/Navi/Detail?pykm=BDXB
Introduction of Chinese Journal of Virology
Chinese Journal of Virology is an academic periodical in virology that was established in 1985. It aims to publish original articles on innovative research, brief reports, and reviews (with comments) on hot topics of research worldwide, and covers the achievements and advances in fundamental and applied research concerning human, animal, plant, and insect viruses as well as bacteriophages and prions.
The subscribers of Chinese Journal of Virology are mainly researchers and professionals in research institutes, universities, medical institutions, and enterprises of virological and biological technologies in China, as well as well-known databases and libraries around the world.
Chinese Journal of Virology is supervised by the China Association for Science and Technology, sponsored by the Chinese Society for Microbiology, and published by the Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Virology.
The International Standard Serial Number is ISSN 1000-8721; the Domestic Journal Number is CN 11-1865/R; the Domestic Postal Distribution Code is 82-227 (domestically distributed by all local post offices in China); the Overseas Distribution Code is BM6448 (distributed by China International Book Trading Corporation). Chinese Journal of Virology is published bimonthly and distributed worldwide.
Chinese Journal of Virology is included in Outstanding S&T Journals of China, Chinese Core Journals of Science and Technology, A Guide to the Core Journals of China (published by Peking University), Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation (RCCSE), Wuhan University, and Chinese Science Citation Database source journals. In addition, it is indexed in Scopus, CA, IM, PubMed, BP, WPRIM, CBST, and CAB Abstracts.
Chinese Journal of Virology has been included in the databases of CNKI (Disc Edition and Web Edition) since December 30, 2008.
Chinese Journal of Virology began to cooperate with CNKI and tentatively offer Advance Online Publication in 2009, has been formally offering Advance Online Publication since 2011, and started the Web Edition in October 2017.
Chinese Journal of Virology started a pilot program of bilingual publication in November 2016 to publish papers in both Chinese and English on CNKI.net.
Chinese Journal of Virology is indexed in the following world-known databases:
Chemical Abstracts (Web Edition) (CA);
BIOSIS Previews (BP);
Western Pacific Region Index Medicus (WPRIM);
Current Bibliography on Science and Technology (CBST);
Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences Abstracts (CAB Abstracts).
Chinese Journal of Virology is included in the following Chinese indexes or databases:
Outstanding S&T Journals of China;
Chinese Core Journals of Science and Technology;
Peking University Core Journal List;
RCCSE Chinese Core Academic Journals (by Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation, Wuhan University)
Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD).
Homepage: http://bdxb.cbpt.cnki.net
CNKI JTP: http://jtp.cnki.net/bilingual/Navi/Detail?pykm=BDXB