2013 01 v.29 71-75
5,737 | 16 | 101 |
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[1]Ascenzi P,Bocedi A,Heptonstall J,et al.Ebolavirusand Marburgvirus:insight the Filoviridae family[J].Mol Aspects Med,2008,29(3):151-185.
[2]Qiu X,Alimonti J B,Melito P L,et al.Characteriza-tion of Zaire ebolavirus glycoprotein-specific monoclonalantibodies[J].Clin Immunol,2011,141(2):218-227.
[3]Kuhn J H,Becker S,Ebihara H,et al.Proposal for arevised taxonomy of the family Filoviridae:classifica-tion,names of taxa and viruses,and virus abbreviations[J].Arch Virol,2010,155(12):2083-2103.
[4]Leroy E M,Becquart P,Wauquier N,et al.Evidencefor Ebola virus superantigen activity[J].J Virol,2011,85(8):4041-4042.
[5]Nanbo A,Imai M,Watanabe S,et al.Ebolavirus is in-ternalized into host cells via macropinocytosis in a viralglycoprotein-dependent manner[J/OL].PLoS Pathog,2010,6(9):e1001121.
[6]Halfmann P,Kim J H,Ebihara H,et al.Generation ofbiologically contained Ebola viruses[J].Proc Natl AcadSci U S A,2008,105(4):1129-1133.
[7]Wool-Lewis R J,Bates P.Characterization of Ebola vi-rus entry by using pseudotyped viruses:identification ofreceptor-deficient cell lines[J].J Virol,1998,72(4):3155-3160.
[8]Martinez O,Leung L W,Basler C F.The role of anti-gen-presenting cells in filoviral hemorrhagic fever:Gapsin current knowledge[J].Antiviral Res,2012,93(3):416-428.
[9]Radoshitzky S R,Warfield K L,et al.Ebolavirus delta-peptide immunoadhesins inhibit marburgvirus and ebo-lavirus cell entry[J].J Virol,2011,85(17):8502-8513.
[10]Geisbert T W,Feldmann H.Recombinant vesicularstomatitis virus-based vaccines against Ebola and Mar-burg virus infections[J].J Infect Dis,2011,204Suppl3:S1075-1081.
[11]Sanchez A.Analysis of filovirus entry into vero e6cells,using inhibitors of endocytosis,endosomal acidi-fication,structural integrity,and cathepsin(B and L)activity[J].J Infect Dis,2007,196Suppl 2:S251-258.
[12]Aleksandrowicz P,Marzi A,Biedenkopf N,et al.Ebola virus enters host cells by macropinocytosis andclathrin-mediated endocytosis[J].J Infect Dis,2011,204Suppl 3:S957-967.
[13]Mercer J,Helenius A.Virus entry by macropinocyto-sis[J].Nat Cell Biol,2009,11(5):510-520.
[14]Swanson J A.Shaping cups into phagosomes andmacropinosomes[J].Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol,2008,9(8):639-649.
[15]Shimojima M,Takada A,Ebihara H,et al.Tyro3family-mediated cell entry of Ebola and Marburg viru-ses[J].J Virol,2006,80(20):10109-10116.
[17]Empig C J,Goldsmith M A.Association of the caveolavesicular system with cellular entry by filoviruses[J].J Virol,2002,76(10):5266-5270.
[18]Bhattacharyya S,Warfield K L,Ruthel G,et al.Ebolavirus uses clathrin-mediated endocytosis as an entrypathway[J].Virology,2010,401(1):18-28.
[19]Saeed M F,Kolokoltsov A A,Albrecht T,et al.Cel-lular entry of ebola virus involves uptake by a macropi-nocytosis-like mechanism and subsequent traffickingthrough early and late endosomes[J/OL].PLoSPathog,2010,6(9):e1001110.
[20]Lim J P,Gleeson P A.Macropinocytosis:an endocyticpathway for internalising large gulps[J].ImmunolCell Biol,2011,89(8):836-843.
[21]Richter T,Floetenmeyer M,Ferguson C,et al.High-resolution 3Dquantitative analysis of caveolar ultra-structure and caveola-cytoskeleton interactions[J].Traffic,2008,9(6):893-909.
[22]Traub L M.Clathrin couture:fashioning distinctivemembrane coats at the cell surface[J/OL].PLoS Biol,2009,7(9):e1000192.
[23]Bale S,Liu T,Li S,Wang Y,et al.Ebola Virus Gly-coprotein Needs an Additional Trigger,beyond Prote-olytic Priming for Membrane Fusion[J/OL].PLoSNegl Trop Dis,2011,5(11):e1395.
[24]Schornberg K,Matsuyama S,Kabsch K,et al.Role ofendosomal cathepsins in entry mediated by the Ebolavirus glycoprotein[J].J Virol,2006,80(8):4174-4178.
[25]Brecher M,Schornberg K L,Delos S E,et al.Cathep-sin Cleavage Potentiates the Ebola Virus Glycoproteinto Undergo a Subsequent Fusion Relevant Conforma-tional Change[J].J Virol,2011,86(1):364-72.
[26]Chandran K,Sullivan N J,Felbor U,et al.Endosomalproteolysis of the Ebola virus glycoprotein is necessaryfor infection[J].Science,2005,308(5728):1643-1645.
[27]Martinez O,Johnson J,Manicassamy B,et al.ZaireEbola virus entry into human dendritic cells is insensi-tive to cathepsin L inhibition[J].Cell Microbiol,2010,12(2):148-157.
[28]Carette J E,Raaben M,Wong A C,et al.Ebola virusentry requires the cholesterol transporter Niemann-Pick C1[J].Nature,2011,477(7364):340-343.
[29]Cote M,Misasi J,Ren T,et al.Small molecule inhibi-tors reveal Niemann-Pick C1is essential for Ebolavirus infection[J].Nature,2011,477(7364):344-348.
[30]Chan S Y,Empig C J,Welte F J,et al.Folate recep-tor-alpha is a cofactor for cellular entry by Marburgand Ebola viruses[J].Cell,2001,106(1):117-126.
[31]Simmons G,Rennekamp A J,Chai N,et al.Folatereceptor alpha and caveolae are not required for Ebolavirus glycoprotein-mediated viral infection[J].J Virol,2003,77(24):13433-13438.
[32]Takada A.Filovirus tropism:cellular molecules forviral entry[J].Front Microbiol,2012,3:34.
[33]Pourrut X,Kumulungui B,Wittmann T,et al.Thenatural history of Ebola virus in Africa[J].MicrobesInfect,2005,7(7-8):1005-1014.
[2]Qiu X,Alimonti J B,Melito P L,et al.Characteriza-tion of Zaire ebolavirus glycoprotein-specific monoclonalantibodies[J].Clin Immunol,2011,141(2):218-227.
[3]Kuhn J H,Becker S,Ebihara H,et al.Proposal for arevised taxonomy of the family Filoviridae:classifica-tion,names of taxa and viruses,and virus abbreviations[J].Arch Virol,2010,155(12):2083-2103.
[4]Leroy E M,Becquart P,Wauquier N,et al.Evidencefor Ebola virus superantigen activity[J].J Virol,2011,85(8):4041-4042.
[5]Nanbo A,Imai M,Watanabe S,et al.Ebolavirus is in-ternalized into host cells via macropinocytosis in a viralglycoprotein-dependent manner[J/OL].PLoS Pathog,2010,6(9):e1001121.
[6]Halfmann P,Kim J H,Ebihara H,et al.Generation ofbiologically contained Ebola viruses[J].Proc Natl AcadSci U S A,2008,105(4):1129-1133.
[7]Wool-Lewis R J,Bates P.Characterization of Ebola vi-rus entry by using pseudotyped viruses:identification ofreceptor-deficient cell lines[J].J Virol,1998,72(4):3155-3160.
[8]Martinez O,Leung L W,Basler C F.The role of anti-gen-presenting cells in filoviral hemorrhagic fever:Gapsin current knowledge[J].Antiviral Res,2012,93(3):416-428.
[9]Radoshitzky S R,Warfield K L,et al.Ebolavirus delta-peptide immunoadhesins inhibit marburgvirus and ebo-lavirus cell entry[J].J Virol,2011,85(17):8502-8513.
[10]Geisbert T W,Feldmann H.Recombinant vesicularstomatitis virus-based vaccines against Ebola and Mar-burg virus infections[J].J Infect Dis,2011,204Suppl3:S1075-1081.
[11]Sanchez A.Analysis of filovirus entry into vero e6cells,using inhibitors of endocytosis,endosomal acidi-fication,structural integrity,and cathepsin(B and L)activity[J].J Infect Dis,2007,196Suppl 2:S251-258.
[12]Aleksandrowicz P,Marzi A,Biedenkopf N,et al.Ebola virus enters host cells by macropinocytosis andclathrin-mediated endocytosis[J].J Infect Dis,2011,204Suppl 3:S957-967.
[13]Mercer J,Helenius A.Virus entry by macropinocyto-sis[J].Nat Cell Biol,2009,11(5):510-520.
[14]Swanson J A.Shaping cups into phagosomes andmacropinosomes[J].Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol,2008,9(8):639-649.
[15]Shimojima M,Takada A,Ebihara H,et al.Tyro3family-mediated cell entry of Ebola and Marburg viru-ses[J].J Virol,2006,80(20):10109-10116.
[17]Empig C J,Goldsmith M A.Association of the caveolavesicular system with cellular entry by filoviruses[J].J Virol,2002,76(10):5266-5270.
[18]Bhattacharyya S,Warfield K L,Ruthel G,et al.Ebolavirus uses clathrin-mediated endocytosis as an entrypathway[J].Virology,2010,401(1):18-28.
[19]Saeed M F,Kolokoltsov A A,Albrecht T,et al.Cel-lular entry of ebola virus involves uptake by a macropi-nocytosis-like mechanism and subsequent traffickingthrough early and late endosomes[J/OL].PLoSPathog,2010,6(9):e1001110.
[20]Lim J P,Gleeson P A.Macropinocytosis:an endocyticpathway for internalising large gulps[J].ImmunolCell Biol,2011,89(8):836-843.
[21]Richter T,Floetenmeyer M,Ferguson C,et al.High-resolution 3Dquantitative analysis of caveolar ultra-structure and caveola-cytoskeleton interactions[J].Traffic,2008,9(6):893-909.
[22]Traub L M.Clathrin couture:fashioning distinctivemembrane coats at the cell surface[J/OL].PLoS Biol,2009,7(9):e1000192.
[23]Bale S,Liu T,Li S,Wang Y,et al.Ebola Virus Gly-coprotein Needs an Additional Trigger,beyond Prote-olytic Priming for Membrane Fusion[J/OL].PLoSNegl Trop Dis,2011,5(11):e1395.
[24]Schornberg K,Matsuyama S,Kabsch K,et al.Role ofendosomal cathepsins in entry mediated by the Ebolavirus glycoprotein[J].J Virol,2006,80(8):4174-4178.
[25]Brecher M,Schornberg K L,Delos S E,et al.Cathep-sin Cleavage Potentiates the Ebola Virus Glycoproteinto Undergo a Subsequent Fusion Relevant Conforma-tional Change[J].J Virol,2011,86(1):364-72.
[26]Chandran K,Sullivan N J,Felbor U,et al.Endosomalproteolysis of the Ebola virus glycoprotein is necessaryfor infection[J].Science,2005,308(5728):1643-1645.
[27]Martinez O,Johnson J,Manicassamy B,et al.ZaireEbola virus entry into human dendritic cells is insensi-tive to cathepsin L inhibition[J].Cell Microbiol,2010,12(2):148-157.
[28]Carette J E,Raaben M,Wong A C,et al.Ebola virusentry requires the cholesterol transporter Niemann-Pick C1[J].Nature,2011,477(7364):340-343.
[29]Cote M,Misasi J,Ren T,et al.Small molecule inhibi-tors reveal Niemann-Pick C1is essential for Ebolavirus infection[J].Nature,2011,477(7364):344-348.
[30]Chan S Y,Empig C J,Welte F J,et al.Folate recep-tor-alpha is a cofactor for cellular entry by Marburgand Ebola viruses[J].Cell,2001,106(1):117-126.
[31]Simmons G,Rennekamp A J,Chai N,et al.Folatereceptor alpha and caveolae are not required for Ebolavirus glycoprotein-mediated viral infection[J].J Virol,2003,77(24):13433-13438.
[32]Takada A.Filovirus tropism:cellular molecules forviral entry[J].Front Microbiol,2012,3:34.
[33]Pourrut X,Kumulungui B,Wittmann T,et al.Thenatural history of Ebola virus in Africa[J].MicrobesInfect,2005,7(7-8):1005-1014.
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