2020 03 v.36 493-501
自2019年12月以来,新型冠状病毒SARS-CoV-2引发的肺炎疫情在中国武汉暴发,随后疫情迅速蔓延,扩散至中国其它各省市。新型冠状病毒属于β冠状病毒属,与SARS-CoV和MERS-CoV近缘但有较大区别,尤其是刺突蛋白(Spike,S),根据序列相似性推断可能来源于蝙蝠,使用与SARS-CoV相同的血管紧张素转化酶Ⅱ(Angiotensin-converting enzyme Ⅱ,ACE2)受体进入细胞,以飞沫和接触传播为主要传播途径,缺乏有效药物治疗和疫苗是疫情防控的挑战。
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[1]U. S. CDC(2020). 2019 Novel Coronavirus(2019-nCoV),Wuhan,China[EB/OL]. https://www. cdc.gov/coronavirus/novel-coronavirus-2019.html.
[2]Wu F,Zhao S,Yu B,Chen Y M,Wang W,Song Z G,Hu Y,Tao Z W,Tian J H,Pei Y Y,Yuan M L,Zhang Y L,Dai F H,Liu Y,Wang Q M,Zheng J J,Xu L,Holmes E C,Zhang Y Z. A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China[J]. Nature,2020,579(7798):265–269.
[3]Zhou P,Yang X L,Wang X G,Hu B,Zhang L,Zhang W,Si H R,Zhu Y,Li B,Huang C L,Chen H D,Chen J,Luo Y,Guo H,Jiang R D,Liu M Q,Chen Y,Shen X R,Wang X,Zheng X S,Zhao K,Chen Q J,Deng F,Liu L L,Yan B,Zhan F X,Wang Y Y,Xiao G F,Shi Z L. A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin[J]. Nature,2020,579(7798):270-273.
[4]Zhu N,Zhang D,Wang W,Li X,Yang B,Song J,Zhao X,Huang B,Shi W,Lu R,Niu P,Zhan F,Ma X,Wang D,Xu W,Wu G,Gao G F,Tan W,China Novel Coronavirus I,Research T. A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China,2019[J]. N Engl J Med,2020,382(8):727-733.
[5]Ren L L,Wang Y M,Wu Z Q,Xiang Z C,Guo L,Xu T,Jiang Y Z,Xiong Y,Li Y J,Li X W,Li H,Fan G H,Gu X Y,Xiao Y,Gao H,Xu J Y,Yang F,Wang X M,Wu C,Chen L,Liu Y W,Liu B,Yang J,Wang X R,Dong J,Li L,Huang C L,Zhao J P,Hu Y,Cheng Z S,Liu L L,Qian Z H,Qin C,Jin Q,Cao B,Wang J W. Identification of a novel coronavirus causing severe pneumonia in human:a descriptive study[J].Chin Med J(Engl),2020,133(9):1015-1024.
[6]Gorbalenya A E,Baker S C,Baric R S,de Groot R J,Drosten C,Gulyaeva A A,Haagmans B L,Lauber C,Leontovich A M,Neuman B W,Penzar D,Perlman S,Poon L L M,Samborskiy D,Sidorov I A,Sola I,Ziebuhr J. Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus:The species and its viruses-a statement of the Coronavirus Study Group[J/OL]. Nature Microbiology, 2020,5,5536-544; doi:10.1038/s41564-020-0695-z.
[7]Jiang S,Shi Z,Shu Y,Song J,Gao G F,Tan W,Guo D. A distinct name is needed for the new coronavirus[J]. Lancet,2020,395(10228):949. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30419-0
[8]Adams M J,Lefkowitz E J,King A M,Carstens E B.Ratification vote on taxonomic proposals to the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses(2014)[J].Arch Virol,2014,159(10):2831-2841.
[9]Xu X,Chen P,Wang J,Feng J,Zhou H,Li X,Zhong W,Hao P. Evolution of the novel coronavirus from the ongoing Wuhan outbreak and modeling of its spike protein for risk of human transmission[J]. Sci China Life Sci,2020,63(3),457-460.
[10]Chen Y,Liu Q,Guo D. Emerging coronaviruses:genome structure,replication,and pathogenesis[J]. J Med Virol,2020,92(4):418-423.
[11]Lu R,Zhao X,Li J,Niu P,Yang B,Wu H,Wang W,Song H,Huang B,Zhu N,Bi Y,Ma X,Zhan F,Wang L,Hu T,Zhou H,Hu Z,Zhou W,Zhao L,Chen J,Meng Y,Wang J,Lin Y,Yuan J,Xie Z,Ma J,Liu W J,Wang D,Xu W,Holmes E C,Gao G F,Wu G,Chen W,Shi W,Tan W. Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus:implications for virus origins and receptor binding[J]. Lancet,2020,395(10224),565-574.
[12]Chafekar A,Fielding B C. MERS-CoV:understanding the latest human coronavirus threat[J]. Viruses,2018,10(2):93. doi:10.3390/v10020093
[13]Zaki A M,van Boheemen S,Bestebroer T M,Osterhaus A D M E,Fouchier R A M. Isolation of a novel coronavirus from a man with pneumonia in Saudi Arabia[J]. N Engl J Med,2012,367(19):1814-1820.
[14]Ksiazek T G,Erdman D,Goldsmith C S,Zaki S R,Peret T,Emery S,Tong S,Urbani C,Comer J A,Lim W,Rollin P E,Dowell S F,Ling A-E,Humphrey C D,Shieh W-J,Guarner J,Paddock C D,Rota P,Fields B,DeRisi J,Yang J-Y,Cox N,Hughes J M,LeDuc J W,Bellini W J,Anderson L J,Group S W. A novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome[J]. N Engl J Med,2003,348(20):1953-1966.
[15]Li Q,Guan X,Wu P,Wang X,Zhou L,Tong Y,Ren R,Leung K S M,Lau E H Y,Wong J Y,Xing X,Xiang N,Wu Y,Li C,Chen Q,Li D,Liu T,Zhao J,Li M,Tu W,Chen C,Jin L,Yang R,Wang Q,Zhou S,Wang R,Liu H,Luo Y,Liu Y,Shao G,Li H,Tao Z,Yang Y,Deng Z,Liu B,Ma Z,Zhang Y,Shi G,Lam T T Y,Wu J T K,Gao G F,Cowling B J,Yang B,Leung G M,Feng Z. Early transmission dynamics in Wuhan,China,of novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia[J]. N Engl J Med,2020,382(13):1199-1207.
[16]Chen N,Zhou M,Dong X,Qu J,Gong F,Han Y,Qiu Y,Wang J,Liu Y,Wei Y,Xia J a,Yu T,Zhang X,Zhang L. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan,China:a descriptive study[J]. Lancet,2020,395(10223):507-513.
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[2]Wu F,Zhao S,Yu B,Chen Y M,Wang W,Song Z G,Hu Y,Tao Z W,Tian J H,Pei Y Y,Yuan M L,Zhang Y L,Dai F H,Liu Y,Wang Q M,Zheng J J,Xu L,Holmes E C,Zhang Y Z. A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China[J]. Nature,2020,579(7798):265–269.
[3]Zhou P,Yang X L,Wang X G,Hu B,Zhang L,Zhang W,Si H R,Zhu Y,Li B,Huang C L,Chen H D,Chen J,Luo Y,Guo H,Jiang R D,Liu M Q,Chen Y,Shen X R,Wang X,Zheng X S,Zhao K,Chen Q J,Deng F,Liu L L,Yan B,Zhan F X,Wang Y Y,Xiao G F,Shi Z L. A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin[J]. Nature,2020,579(7798):270-273.
[4]Zhu N,Zhang D,Wang W,Li X,Yang B,Song J,Zhao X,Huang B,Shi W,Lu R,Niu P,Zhan F,Ma X,Wang D,Xu W,Wu G,Gao G F,Tan W,China Novel Coronavirus I,Research T. A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China,2019[J]. N Engl J Med,2020,382(8):727-733.
[5]Ren L L,Wang Y M,Wu Z Q,Xiang Z C,Guo L,Xu T,Jiang Y Z,Xiong Y,Li Y J,Li X W,Li H,Fan G H,Gu X Y,Xiao Y,Gao H,Xu J Y,Yang F,Wang X M,Wu C,Chen L,Liu Y W,Liu B,Yang J,Wang X R,Dong J,Li L,Huang C L,Zhao J P,Hu Y,Cheng Z S,Liu L L,Qian Z H,Qin C,Jin Q,Cao B,Wang J W. Identification of a novel coronavirus causing severe pneumonia in human:a descriptive study[J].Chin Med J(Engl),2020,133(9):1015-1024.
[6]Gorbalenya A E,Baker S C,Baric R S,de Groot R J,Drosten C,Gulyaeva A A,Haagmans B L,Lauber C,Leontovich A M,Neuman B W,Penzar D,Perlman S,Poon L L M,Samborskiy D,Sidorov I A,Sola I,Ziebuhr J. Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus:The species and its viruses-a statement of the Coronavirus Study Group[J/OL]. Nature Microbiology, 2020,5,5536-544; doi:10.1038/s41564-020-0695-z.
[7]Jiang S,Shi Z,Shu Y,Song J,Gao G F,Tan W,Guo D. A distinct name is needed for the new coronavirus[J]. Lancet,2020,395(10228):949. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30419-0
[8]Adams M J,Lefkowitz E J,King A M,Carstens E B.Ratification vote on taxonomic proposals to the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses(2014)[J].Arch Virol,2014,159(10):2831-2841.
[9]Xu X,Chen P,Wang J,Feng J,Zhou H,Li X,Zhong W,Hao P. Evolution of the novel coronavirus from the ongoing Wuhan outbreak and modeling of its spike protein for risk of human transmission[J]. Sci China Life Sci,2020,63(3),457-460.
[10]Chen Y,Liu Q,Guo D. Emerging coronaviruses:genome structure,replication,and pathogenesis[J]. J Med Virol,2020,92(4):418-423.
[11]Lu R,Zhao X,Li J,Niu P,Yang B,Wu H,Wang W,Song H,Huang B,Zhu N,Bi Y,Ma X,Zhan F,Wang L,Hu T,Zhou H,Hu Z,Zhou W,Zhao L,Chen J,Meng Y,Wang J,Lin Y,Yuan J,Xie Z,Ma J,Liu W J,Wang D,Xu W,Holmes E C,Gao G F,Wu G,Chen W,Shi W,Tan W. Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus:implications for virus origins and receptor binding[J]. Lancet,2020,395(10224),565-574.
[12]Chafekar A,Fielding B C. MERS-CoV:understanding the latest human coronavirus threat[J]. Viruses,2018,10(2):93. doi:10.3390/v10020093
[13]Zaki A M,van Boheemen S,Bestebroer T M,Osterhaus A D M E,Fouchier R A M. Isolation of a novel coronavirus from a man with pneumonia in Saudi Arabia[J]. N Engl J Med,2012,367(19):1814-1820.
[14]Ksiazek T G,Erdman D,Goldsmith C S,Zaki S R,Peret T,Emery S,Tong S,Urbani C,Comer J A,Lim W,Rollin P E,Dowell S F,Ling A-E,Humphrey C D,Shieh W-J,Guarner J,Paddock C D,Rota P,Fields B,DeRisi J,Yang J-Y,Cox N,Hughes J M,LeDuc J W,Bellini W J,Anderson L J,Group S W. A novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome[J]. N Engl J Med,2003,348(20):1953-1966.
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